موقع إخباري يهتم بفضائح و انتهاكات دولة الامارات

Exclusive: UAE Funds Construction of Israeli Military Base in Somaliland


Diplomatic sources have disclosed that the UAE plans to grant Israel a strategic presence in the Horn of Africa by funding the establishment of a military base for Tel Aviv in Somaliland.

 According to Emirates Leaks, the UAE has covertly proposed setting up a military and intelligence base for Israel in Somaliland, with Abu Dhabi providing complete financial backing.

The sources indicate that Abu Dhabi persuaded Somaliland’s local authorities of the benefits of hosting an Israeli military base, promising that Israel would officially recognize Somaliland in return.

The UAE’s initiative to secure an Israeli military presence in Somaliland is part of a broader strategy to invest in the countries bordering the Gulf of Aden and the Horn of Africa, including Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Eritrea.

This move also aims to extend Emirati influence in the region surrounding the Bab al-Mandab Strait amid the ongoing conflict in Yemen.

Somaliland, strategically positioned along the Gulf of Aden in the Horn of Africa, declared its secession from Somalia after the fall of Dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991.

This declaration followed a protracted and deadly conflict between Barre’s forces and separatists, resulting in significant loss of life and widespread destruction.

Despite its lack of international recognition, Somaliland operates with a functional political system, established government institutions, a police force, and its own currency. The capital is Hargeisa, and Berbera is its principal city.

The Emirati Role in Somaliland

Despite the lack of international recognition for Somaliland, the UAE has established a notable presence in the region. In March 2018, Somaliland’s administration announced a collaboration with the UAE to train local security forces, marking the beginning of a strategic partnership that included the establishment of an Emirati military base.

The UAE’s involvement dates back to 2017 when it began setting up a base at Berbera Airport, situated less than 300 kilometers south of Yemen. This agreement granted the UAE a 30-year lease on the base, underscoring its long-term commitment to the region.

Further cementing its presence, DP World, a Dubai-based logistics company, launched a $101 million project last October to expand the port of Berbera. This expansion faced opposition from Somalia, which viewed the agreement as a breach of its sovereignty.

Somali officials argued that such developments overstepped Mogadishu’s authority and undermined its control over the region.

UAE conspiracies

The UAE is the first country to recognize the Republic of Somaliland, the breakaway Somali region of Somalia.

Abu Dhabi’s position sparked an ongoing political crisis with the Somali federal government.

The UAE has a military base in Berbera, which represents a stark reminder of how the UAE is tearing apart the Horn of Africa.

It also risks exacerbating the conflict between the weak, internationally recognized Somali federal government in Mogadishu and its restive secessionist regions.

In April 2018, Somalia ended any diplomatic or military cooperation with the UAE in protest against its plots against the country’s unity.

Since 2014, the UAE has been training Somali forces in Mogadishu, paying the salaries of their personnel, and establishing an anti-piracy force in Puntland.

Hundreds of weapons were looted from the training center in Mogadishu while it was closed.

The Somali Parliament later passed a law prohibiting DP World from operating throughout Somalia.

The European Parliament previously accused the UAE of destabilizing Somalia and the Horn of Africa.

The European Parliament called on Abu Dhabi to stop every action that would threaten stability in Somalia and to respect its sovereignty and territorial integrity.