موقع إخباري يهتم بفضائح و انتهاكات دولة الامارات

UAE Imposes 1,075 Years in Prison for Those Challenging Free Speech


A human rights center said that the UAE authorities punished prisoners of conscience in prisons by issuing prison sentences totaling 1075 years as a tax on speech and expression of opinion.

The UAE Detainees Advocacy Center pointed out that, despite living in a world that values freedom as a fundamental principle of civilized society, some individuals endure a harsh “tax” for their speech—one that surpasses traditional forms of taxation, leading to the suppression of their freedom and the imprisonment of their spirit.

It noted that 43 Emirati activists, who each sought to express their ideas or opinions, ultimately received life sentences. Their only “crime” was using their words as a means to confront a challenging and oppressive political landscape.

The UAE Detainees Advocacy Center highlighted that the life imprisonment sentences (25 years each) handed to 43 Emirati citizens for expressing their opinions represent an unprecedented event in the UAE’s history.

Historically, the Emirati authorities have not imposed life sentences for cases related to freedom of expression, making this large-scale sentencing particularly notable.

The center described these sentences as not only a historic first but also as shockingly severe by any standard. The total of 1,075 years of imprisonment reflects the extreme repression and harsh measures taken by the authorities against those who voice their opinions.

The fact that such a substantial group has been sentenced to life imprisonment solely for their expressions is an extraordinary and alarming development.

This shocking verdict represents an unprecedented decline in human rights within the UAE, highlighting the extreme cost of free speech to previously unimaginable extents.

The 1,075 years of imprisonment are not mere numbers; they signify lives upended, families torn apart, and dreams crushed under the weight of indefinite incarceration. These sentences illustrate profound cruelty and a disturbing trend toward the relentless suppression of dissenting voices at any cost.

While Arabic literature has long documented tales of suffering and the struggle for freedom, and many writers and poets have experienced persecution, what these 43 individuals are enduring goes beyond physical confinement. They face an imprisonment of the soul and the mind.

This imprisonment epitomizes a reality that rejects intellectual diversity and fears dissenting voices. These prisoners are not just victims of repressive laws; they are martyrs for free speech, challenging the silence enforced by authoritarian regimes.

While it might be easy for some to overlook their stories, viewing them merely as numbers in records or cases in human rights reports, the reality is that each individual embodies a world of hopes and ambitions. Each has a story marked by shattered dreams and inflicted pain.

Outside the prison walls, life continues, but for these individuals, it is effectively on hold. Each passing day serves as a stark reminder of the unjust price they are forced to pay. Their families, friends, and colleagues bear this burden alongside them. As everyone awaits the day of justice and their release, time moves forward while they remain confined.

Throughout history, no authority has ever managed to silence the voice of truth permanently. While it may temporarily succeed through imprisonment and intimidation, ultimately, it is defeated by the will of the people and the enduring power of words. Words, stronger than any weapon and harsher than any punishment, cannot be confined.

In the UAE, however, these words have been shackled and confined within walls. How can a life sentence be justified in response to an opinion or idea? How can punishment be deemed the only solution for dissenting views? Life imprisonment represents not only a slow erasure of the spirit but also highlights society’s failure to embrace and engage with differing ideas.

The center emphasized that those sentenced to life imprisonment are victims of a system that perceives independent thought as a threat. They suffer under a political climate that rejects criticism and opposes dissent. Their trial was merely a tool to enforce control and deliver a stern warning to anyone daring to challenge the status quo.

It emphasized that what is unfolding in the UAE serves as a global wake-up call. When speech is silenced, a part of our shared humanity is also confined. Sentencing individuals to life imprisonment merely for expressing their opinions signifies a perversion of justice and reduces freedom to a mere concept devoid of substance.

The center concluded, “The penalty for speech in the UAE extends beyond judicial rulings; it mirrors a grim reality where oppression reigns and free thought is stifled. However, speech remains unbounded and will ultimately overcome all constraints, no matter how formidable. These 43 men may be imprisoned now, but their ideas and voices will continue to resonate worldwide. Free speech endures, even when authoritarian regimes attempt to bury it within prison walls.”