موقع إخباري يهتم بفضائح و انتهاكات دولة الامارات

Behind the Curtain: Ibrahim Al-Arjani, the Emirates’ New Key Contractor



Ibrahim Al-Argany, head of the Arab Tribal Union and the notorious man in Egypt, represents the new hidden contractor of the Emirates, whether in Cairo or neighboring Arab countries.

Al-Arjani’s economic ties with the Emirates are questionable, given his transformation from a former smuggler to a significant figure in President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s regime.

This Bedouin leader, who once managed smuggling operations at the Gaza Strip’s borders, was elevated to head a tribal union responsible for national border security. His ascent, facilitated by his close connections with the intelligence services, prompts numerous questions.

Referring to its ties with the Emirates, the Sons of Sinai Company operates a branch in Dubai. The address listed on its website is Aspect Tower, Office 2501, Business Bay, and Dubai.

The Sons of Sinai Logistics Company has shown consistent collaboration with the Emirates Humanitarian Relief Committee for years in facilitating the delivery of aid to the Gaza Strip.

The Sahih Misr page recorded a connection between Hadaeq Company, one of Al-Arjani’s firms that suddenly emerged in 2022 for the zoo development project in Egypt, and the fact that, after the usufruct period ends, the Emirati Company Worldwide Consulting will gain the right to operate the park.

The head of Hadaeq Company is Mohamed Kamal, who was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Estadat Company, which is responsible for the City Club group, which is directly owned by the General Intelligence Service.

The head of the Estadat company is Saif Al-Waziri, who is the same as the president of the United Sports Company. He is the mastermind behind sports collaboration between the Emirates and Egypt, overseeing sporting events between the two countrries and maintaining strong ties with the Emirates.

Sons of Sinai Company, owned by Ibrahim Al-Argany on its official website, is responsible for establishing the City Club group in the governorates of Egypt.

Another partnership between Al-Arjani and the UAE emerged in Libya after the hurricane in the city of Derna:

The UAE is the main financier of the Derna Reconstruction Fund and is the official sponsor of Balqasim Khalifa Haftar, the son of its strategic ally in eastern Libya, General Khalifa Haftar.

The Emirati company Global Contracting signed contracts to establish several projects in the Libyan city of Derna in coordination with Balqasim Khalifa Haftar.

Two days afterward, Ibrahim Al-Arjani appeared on behalf of NEOM Real Estate Development Company and concluded agreements with Balqasim Khalifa Haftar’s company to build 11 bridges and various additional projects for the Derna Reconstruction Fund, under complete supervision by the UAE.

Observers caution that Ibrahim Al-Arjani’s involvement with financial and political circles in the Emirates raises concerns about the potential replication of the Hemedti model in Sudan, should Abu Dhabi choose to manipulate and back him for regional interests or ambitions.