A human rights organization announced that it will file a complaint with the United Nations against the UAE against the arrest and torture of a prominent human rights activist.
Alkarama Human Rights organization in Switzerland said that the complaint would be submitted to the United Nations Committee against Torture regarding the torture of the Emirati activist Ahmed Mansoor.
The organization stated that it was surprised by the harsh conditions of Mansour’s detention since the spring of 2017.
The Geneva-based organization considered this policy of torture contradictory to all international conventions regarding respect for human rights.
Lawyer Rashid Mesli, head of Alkarama Organization, expressed his strong disapproval of the policy of torture practised by the UAE security authorities against their prisoners of conscience in general and Ahmed Mansour.
“I read the leaked messages that revealed the circumstances of the trial and detention of activist Mansour. I was surprised by the amount of information that contradicts all international conventions for the protection of human rights and that despite the length of his imprisonment, he still lives in solitary confinement, deprived of his most basic rights.”
“After these messages attributed to the activist Ahmed Mansour, it became clear that we are facing a systematic policy of torture within the concept of international law.”
“We will again address all United Nations mechanisms to intervene and demand the UAE government to provide Ahmed Mansour with the conditions of an ordinary prisoner. We will also demand the activation of the United Nations resolution calling on the Emirati authorities to release Ahmed Mansour,” he added.
Rachid Mesli considered that lawyer Ahmed Mansour is under arbitrary detention in violation of all laws regulating human rights.
He stressed that Ahmed Mansour was an honest lawyer and a brave human rights activist who worked with Alkarama Organization for years in the context of defending human rights, far from any political affiliations, and that he did not bear any hostile breath against his country.
Mesli pointed out that “Alkarama, which dealt positively with the human rights file in the UAE, and had positive relations at the beginning with the UAE, has been subjected in recent years to an unjust campaign by the Emirati authorities, only because it revealed the crimes committed by the UAE regime against human rights activists.”
Mesli called on the Emirati authorities to release Mansour and all prisoners of conscience and stop what he described as “the policy of revenge and retaliation against human rights activists.”