موقع إخباري يهتم بفضائح و انتهاكات دولة الامارات

Dubai invests in creating a private mercenary army in Hungary


The UAE is establishing a new mercenary army in Hungary and is recruiting members from foreign countries. The company says that it aims to build a prestigious army for international missions.

The professional coordinator for the enterprise said that the security company is not recruiting members online but rather through acquaintances and recommendations. Critics and security experts doubt that this is just a regular security enterprise.

The company said that only people with the previous experience in the field of security would be hired.

Application has been open since October last year. Right now, there are 1,000 people available for a mission. There could be a total of 3,000 Hungarian men of arms, and another 7,000-8,000 people from the security sector could be recruited.

The rest of them could be recruited from the Czech Republic, Poland, South America, and South Asia, in the case of an expansion of up to approximately 20,000 people.

“For the time being, headhunting has been going on in Hungary for ten months; among others, we are looking for blasting experts, IT specialists, paramedics, and even radar operators and interpreters, not just armed guards,” writes novekedes.hu based on the words of the professional coordinator. The founder of the enterprise wants to be able to deploy a contingent of 600 people to any part of the world. The investor is the owner of a company group in Dubai.

The Hungarian private mercenary will be registered in the United Arab Emirates. The clients would be countries where law enforcement and the military are necessary. These clients could be Iran or Afghanistan. Both countries are currently left without multinational western forces.

The company made an offer to assist in the defending of Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan. There was a request from Iraq to take part in projects related to the government, but there have been discussions about the defence of the Syrian-Iraqi border. Other missions could take place at an African airport and port, in a French refugee camp, but the Hungarian company might also help with advice to a police unit in Sweden.

The Democracy Transparency Center (DCT) has previously published an investigation exposing the secrets of the Emirati regime’s strategy by relying on foreign mercenaries to consolidate its internal rule and strengthen its external conspiracies.

The centre said that the Al Nahyan family runs the UAE, a ruthless monarchy with no respect for law and human rights in a global tribal conflict.

The centre highlighted in the investigation titled (How the Al Nahyan dynasty hides its true face), the UAE deliberately invests in a “soft power” strategy to portray the country as a progressive, tolerant and law-compliant country.

But its extreme intolerance of criticism is evident in the unjust imprisonment of human rights activist Ahmed Mansoor, academic Nasser bin Ghaith and other dissidents “who were arrested without trial or despite having served sentences.”

In November 2010, the Al Nahyan family formed a secret battalion of 800 Colombian, South African and other mercenaries led by Western officers and trained by American soldiers to retirees and veterans.

Among the special units of the German, British and French foreign armies, an army built by Eric Prince, founder of the multinational mercenary company Blackwater International, thanks to the 529 million dollars transferred by Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, in consultation with the secret services of the UAE to carry out special operations.

Those mercenary forces undertake missions inside and outside the country to protect pipelines and skyscrapers from terrorist attacks and suppress